Scavenger Hunt Answers

IL page-4:
What fierce creatures guard the Art institute just north of Jackson on Michigan? A pair of sculptured LIONS
IL page-6:
The Illinois State Police Headquarters building is vintage. What district does it serve? District 5
IL page-10:
What Tire Brand is advertised on Odell Station? Miller Tires
IL page-17:
What railroad name is painted on the old boxcar that houses the Williamsville Museum near Elm and Main? Gulf, Mobile & Ohio
IL page-21:
What’s the DATE on the brick and concrete bridge-rail on Cambridge Rd? 1920

MO page-8:
On Old Manchester Rd, east of HWY “OO”, what is the DATE on Bridge #364 (west of Basset Rd)? 1923
MO page-15:
What military “vehicle” honors Ft Leonard Wood at George M Reed Roadside Park (w of Spur 44 in St Robert)? Army TANK
MO page-17:
What is the NAME of the “Conservation Area” south of Route 66 and just east of EXIT 135? Bear Creek
MO page-19:
Almost a mile west of the HWY CC JCT at PHILLIPSBURG is the location of a former roadside park (note the line of big trees and the old culvert on the south side). Whose NAME is listed on the small concrete marker as having donated the land for the defunct park? Maud G Snyder
MO page-22:
Who did “Wild Bill” Hickok shoot here in the 1860s? (Park and look for the marker on the south side of the square.) Dave Tutt
MO page-27:
North of Downtown on Main, Bypass 66 crosses a concrete viaduct over the RR tracks. What DATE was it built? 1934

OK page-7:
Between FOYIL and CLAREMORE (south of SEQUOYAH) is a store called Kong’s Korner. What does the “statue” out front depict? A gorilla or King Kong is acceptable
OK page-8:
CLAREMORE once was famous for “radium” baths using piped in mineral water discovered in 1903. One dispenser of this “miracle water” was the grand Will Rogers Hotel, 6 stories and 78 rooms of opulent Spanish decor (now restored as senior living). What SIGN is painted at the top of the backside of the former hotel (now the Will Rogers Center and Apartments)? Radium Water Bath-Massages
OK page-9:
CATOOSA itself has a Historical Museum in an old RR depot, with a “Ship it on the Frisco” Caboose, on Cherokee St. What is the caboose’s 4-digit number? 1882
OK page-14:
West of SAPULPA, the nostalgic Ozark Trails section crosses the 1925 iron bridge (with brick deck) over Rock Creek, and behind a defunct drive-in, before curving thru a narrow RR subway. What is the DATE on this underpass? (watch for traffic) 1925
OK page-15:
In downtown BRISTOW, look for the old Bristow Motor Co building, with plaster sculptures of “spoke wheels” on the facade. What is the DATE on the building? 1923
OK page-22:
About 4 miles west of town, watch for an old propeller plane’s engine nacelle painted to look like a WW II Flying Tiger fighter plane at Yukon Army Surplus. A mile west (and 2 miles east of Banner Rd) is an old metal sign with a leering cowpoke and the message “Watch Your Curves! Eat More BEEF” What organization is listed on the bottom of this sign? Beef Industry Council
OK page-25:
What jet fighter is on display east of WEATHERFORD? F-4 Phantom (or Starfighter)

TX page-4:
What are the 2 huge balls on display at the Devil’s Rope Museum made from? Barbed wire
TX page-9:
(Groom) What government office is in a small former gas station on the west side? The Carson County JP Precinct 1
TX page-12:
(Amarillo) What is the DATE on the old Rock Island Railroad Overpass north of Downtown on Filmore? (sorry, but you WB folk will have to double back for this one!) 1931

NM page-5:
There are several short concrete bridges to cross east of MONTOYA. What is the DATE on these bridges? (they’re all the same) 1936
NM page-13:
What is the NAME on the Kimo Building plaque out front? Oreste Bachechi (the original owner)
NM page-14:
At RIO PUERCO, stop and walk across the preserved 1933 Rio Puerco Bridge. Who ERECTED this “Parker Through-truss bridge?” F.D. Shufflebarger
NM page-17:
SIDE TRIP: Early 66 skirted the south side of the lava beds, running alongside a small working aquaduct on Anzac Rd (not a water park, so don’t trespass). This road veers southwest past the small girder bridge over Rio San Jose, then reconnects just east of the I-40 tunnel. See the map for details. What is the DATE on the bridge plaque? 1936
NM page-25:
At the turn to EXIT 294 is a small Santa Fe Trail Marker. What YEAR was the marker dedicated? 1911

AZ page-4:
SIDE TRIP: Take US 191 south across the RR tracks into SANDERS. Just East is visible the 1923 bridge that first carried 66 over the Rio Puerco via current CO Rd 7240 (see AZ page-3 and MAP-1). What COLOR are the bridge girders painted? YELLOW
AZ page-8:
(Joseph City) On the east side of town is a Historic Marker made of polished petrified wood, bearing a plaque dedicated to the Mormon colonists that settled here in 1876. What was JOSEPH CITY FIRST known as? ALLEN'S CAMP
AZ page-15:
What is the “fun” slogan painted on the RR overpass above BL 40/ Route 66 just west of EXIT 165? It’s FUN to ride the Santa Fe
AZ page-19:
(At Grand Canyons Cavern) What COLOR is the big Cavern dinosaur’s BELLY? YELLOW
AZ page-23:
Across ‘66 is Locomotive Park, featuring a majestic black steam locomotive and a red caboose. PHOTO OP! My family posed here in 1962…you should too. At the west end of the park is a monument dedicated to the Beale Wagon Route, with wagon and camel cut outs on top (camels were used in experiments with desert travel). According to the marker, what YEAR did the railroad come to KINGMAN? 1883

CA page-5:
Who was the architect for the Goffs school? A. BEIMER
CA page-8:
What is the date on the “Ludlow Mining Co” cart? (at the Ludlow Coffee Shop) 1882
CA page-10:
What is the date on the front of the Desert Market? 1908
CA page-16:
What is the date on the old bridge just south of Cleghorn Rd? 1930
CA page-18:
What is the shape of the El Camino Real marker on the south at Riverside and Foothill in RIALTO? A Mission Bell